How to Clear the Energy in Your Home
One request that fellow healers and I receive is if we offer house cleansings or blessings. While I could create an offering to come to your home and clear the energy, teaching you how to do it is much more effective. Consider this my version of “If you give a man a fish, he eats…

Using Astral Projection to Help My Grandmother Cross Over
On Sunday, January 17, 2021, my grandmother passed away. Dementia was a long slide downhill. The Saturday night prior, my mom asked me to do a distance healing for grandma to bring her peace. We knew her time was coming soon. With the help of Spirit, my little Emma (3-years-old at the time) fell asleep…

Tips for Caring for Your Mala
I strive to make my products last, so my malas come with a 30-day guarantee. If it breaks, or the tassel falls apart, on its own within the first 30 days, I will re-string the mala at no cost to you. After 30 days, there will be a $30 fee to fix your mala. Please…

Five Ways That You’re Blocking Abundance
Several conversations over the past few months got me worked into a tizzy. In my aroused state, I started making notes on my phone. I had so much I wanted to say, and I did not want to forget any of it. When I get into these modes, it can be like a channeled reading.…

Five Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening
I witnessed a massive spiritual awakening in the collective in 2020. Over that year, I met dozens of people and had countless hours of conversations about what was happening. No matter who I talked to, several common themes surfaced. They were questioning everything, feeling out of control or sometimes strangely in control, and looking for…

Why Healers Tell You to Drink Water
Many doctors, medical practitioners, and massage therapists told me to drink plenty of water over the years. I understood the cleansing powers of purified water, so it made sense to me. Staying well-hydrated “helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles.¹” Blood carries nutrients to the rest of our…

Tinnitus and Your Developing Gifts
I was born with my ears ringing. I was diagnosed with hearing loss very early in life. I don’t remember when exactly. I remember having my hearing tested annually by an audiologist at Brescia College (now Brescia University) in Owensboro, KY, where I was raised. It was a large room divided by a glass wall…

I have enough. I do enough. I am enough.
What would happen if you failed to reach your goals? What would happen if what you want the most in your life never happened? Who would you be if all the money in your bank account disappeared? Would you still be you? Do you think anyone or anything can take something away from you that…

Overcoming Overwhelm when planning a wedding
Planning a wedding can be as full of emotion as the wedding day itself. Many people truly underestimate the amount of time it takes, how much money it costs, and the stressors it adds to your relationships because most people have never planned a big event at this point in their lives. In my 11…